Journal: Open Journal of Chemical Engineering (OJCE)
Author: Xin Zhang1, Juntao Chen2, Junwei Lou3, Changyu Ni2*

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Taking Dalbergia louvelii as an example, this paper uses PY-GC-MS, TDS-GC-MS and GC-MS techniques to study and analyze the components, so as to provide a theoretical basis for its high value utilization. Studies have found that Dalbergia louvelii contains many ingredients that are beneficial to the human body. Of which 7-Methyl- Z-tetradecen-1-ol acetate has the effect of antipyretic cough. Phytic acid and hex-3-yl isobutyl ester showed significant antitumor activity for MGC-803, MCF-7 and A549 cells. Butylated Hydroxytoluene significantly inhibited the occurrence of γ-GT positive disease in the liver.

Pages 04-10
Year 2019
Issue 1
Volume 2
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